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Lima, located in west-central Peru, is the country's capital city. Travelers to Peru typically fly into this sea-level coastal city before traveling on to Peru's more famous destinations at higher altitudes. Travelers who spend time in Lima will find a vibrant city with wonderful Peruvian cuisine and a well-preserved colonial center highlighting the history of the country's ancient civilizatons.
Lima's Historic CenterLima's Historic CenterLima's Historic CenterLima's Historic CenterLima's Historic CenterLima's Historic CenterLima's Historic CenterLima's Historic CenterLima's Historic CenterLima's Historic CenterLima's Historic CenterLima's Historic CenterLima's Historic CenterLima's Historic CenterLima's Historic CenterLima's Historic CenterConvent of Santo DomingoConvent of Santo DomingoConvent of Santo DomingoConvent of Santo Domingo